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Pay bills, pay friends, and send gifts — easy and conveniently.

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Pay your bills with ease using 元素 digital banking tools.

The 账单支付 tool from 元素 is a free service offered via online banking that provides a secure and convenient way to organize bills and pay before they’re due. 账单支付 offers a variety of features including:

  • 自动支付
  • eBills
  • 日程表视图 showing a snapshot of all upcoming scheduled bill payments
  • 免费停止付款
  • 自定义提醒 to keep you informed on 账单支付 activities
  • Grouping and Categorizing tools 为你所有的账单买单
  • 礼物 & 慈善机构支付 allowing you to gift funds to friends and family or donate to charity

Read about the Advantages of 账单支付


Keep all your bill payments organized with 账单支付.
  • Some companies like credit card companies, 有线电视公司, 电力公司, etc are already available in 账单支付 to easily set up to pay to
  • If a company isn't available to quickly add for payment, the information printed on your bill is all you need to set up a company payee
  • 支付 can be scheduled and set for recurring delivery


你可以付钱给任何人, 比如亲戚, 保姆, 或者遛狗, by entering them as a payee in 账单支付.
  • Direct deposits (electronic payments) require routing and account number and are paid within 1-2 business days
  • Check payments are mailed and paid within 5-7 business days


Use your 元素 cards to pay your bills with 账单支付.
  • Pay your bills easily with your 元素 credit or debit card
  • Earn rewards on your 元素 credit card just by paying your bills
  • Keep all your bill payments centralized in one place

Learn how to 用信用卡或借记卡付款


Get your bills delivered right to 账单支付.

Major companies in the 账单支付 payee database have the potential to be set up as an eBill, allowing you to receive your bills within 账单支付.

  • Once you've entered the payee into 账单支付 you will see them within the eBill Connect section of the 账单支付 homepage if they provide eBills
  • Just click their name in the list and enter your user information from the payee's website to have that bill delivered to 账单支付
  • If you wish to stop receiving paper bills after setting up eBills, you must contact your billing company


Send a gift check to family or make a donation to an organization easily.
  • 礼物检查 — If you're the gift-giving type, make it easy for you and special for them. Send a gift check with a personalized message designed for birthdays, 新婴儿, 婚礼, 毕业典礼, 周年纪念, 或者仅仅因为只有2美元.99.
  • 捐款 — Show you care by giving a gift that doesn't end. Send a donation to your favorite charity or organization in honor or memory of someone special for only $1.99. You can send a personalized message about your donation using up to 4 email addresses and receive a copy for tax purposes. If you wish to send a standard donation without these features, your can add your charity and schedule as a payment at no additional cost.

How do I set up 账单支付 alerts?

You can set up a variety of alerts to keep you informed about your 账单支付 account activity. All alerts are available by email, and some can be sent via text, too.
  • 账户活动 警报 – get notified when certain types of activity occur, such as when a payment processes, when you have a new secure message, when a transaction is scheduled, or when a new eBill is received.
  • 交易列表提醒 – monthly email alerts containing a list of transactions for the month, such as those scheduled to process or those that were paid.
  • 账单支付 Account Security 警报 – 元素 takes account security very seriously, and there are a few alerts you will automatically receive to protect your account, such as a notification when a payee is added to your 账单支付 account or when a payee’s information is changed.
  • 提醒 – Set one-time or recurring reminders for yourself to remember to make a payment or that a payment is coming out of your account.

了解更多 about Setting up 账单支付 警报


Get some quick tips on how to best use 账单支付.
  • How to quickly and easily navigate 账单支付
  • How to send and receive electronic payments to with Zelle®
  • How to pay a company, make individual payments, and make multiple payments at the same time
  • How to add, edit, and delete bill payees
  • 如何设置电子账单
  • How to rush or cancel payments
